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- Cesarean Delivery
- Painless Normal Delivery

Painless Normal Delivery
What is a Vaginal Delivery?
A vaginal delivery or painless normal delivery is the natural and most recommended process for delivering a baby. When the baby reaches its full term, the mother starts having contractions, and her cervix expands to deliver.
What are the types of vaginal delivery?
There are three types of vaginal deliveries, namely,
Spontaneous vaginal delivery : A vaginal delivery that happens naturally without needing labor-inducing drugs.
Induced vaginal delivery : Sometimes, labor is induced with drugs or other techniques to initiate labor and prepare your cervix.
Assisted Vaginal Delivery : Sometimes, a vaginal birth occurs with the help of forceps or a vacuum device required to pull the baby out. The device can assist both spontaneous and induced vaginal delivery.

What are the benefits of normal delivery?
This treatment is useful for those facing issues related to
- Shorter hospital stay
- Lesser requirement of pain relief medication
- Better control of blood pressure
- Additional medication or anesthesia is not required.
- The duration of childbirth is significantly decreased.
- Readily available to baby for breastfeeding and care
- Advisable for mothers suffering from preeclampsia and heart disease
- The procedure can be converted to a cesarean section by adding an epidural catheter if required.