Cesarean Delivery

Cesarean Delivery


Cesarean delivery or C-section or cesarean birth is a surgical procedure to deliver a baby through incisions in the mother’s abdominal wall and uterus. This method is preferred when vaginal delivery cannot be done safely. You can plan a C-section ahead of time, or doctors can decide on it at run time.

Who needs a Cesarean delivery?

An emergency C-section delivery is done when you have certain medical conditions or complications during labor. Planned cesarean delivery is performed when any of the following conditions exist:

First C-section
Twins/ Triplets
Placenta previa
Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD)
Transverse positioning
Breech presentation
Health Conditions
An unplanned cesarean delivery may be called during labor if the following conditions arise:

Prolonged labor
Placental abruption
Fetal distress
Umbilical cord compression
Umbilical cord prolapse

Cesarean Delivery Procedure

Generally, women are given anesthesia in the lower half. The doctor makes a horizontal incision on the abdomen skin. Through the abdominal muscles, doctors reach the uterus, where they make another horizontal or transverse incision. The baby is gently pulled out, and the umbilical cord is cut. The newborn is safely handed over to a nurse.

Post-op Recovery

The doctor suggests medications for pain and discomfort after a C-section. The recovery period is a little longer than for vaginal births. The mother and the baby would stay in the hospital for about 2 or 3 days.

Breast feeding After a Cesarean Delivery

Breastfeeding is an important part of bonding with your baby and providing him or her with essential nutrients. If you have had a cesarean delivery, you may still be able to breastfeed your baby. However, you may need to adjust to ensure you and your baby are comfortable during feedings. Your doctor or a lactation consultant can provide guidance and support to help you breastfeed successfully after cesarean delivery.

Choosing a Doctor for Your Cesarean Delivery

If you are considering a cesarean delivery, it is important to choose a qualified and experienced obstetrician and gynaecologist who can provide you with the highest level of care. a leading obstetrician and gynecologist with extensive experience performing caesarean deliveries. He and his team are committed to providing patients personalised care and support throughout their pregnancy and delivery journey.