Ovarian Cyst Treatment

Ovarian Cyst Treatment


A female reproductive system is a complex mechanism. It is made up of many precise organs that need to sync well to make the entire reproductive system function appropriately. One such organ is the ovary which is probably one of the most crucial parts of this system. This part helps in forming eggs and secreting various hormones.

Sometimes, the ovary may develop certain sacs or cysts. Mostly these cysts are harmless. However, keeping track and getting regular checkups is important as these sacs can convert cancerous well.

What is an ovarian cyst?

Ovarian cysts are fluid-filled pockets (sacs) that frequently form in the ovary or on the ovary’s surface. Ovarian cysts are classified into several types. Ovarian cysts are common, but they usually go away on their own. Ovarian cysts do not always cause symptoms. You should be checked on a regular basis to see if you have any type of ovarian cysts. If an ovarian cyst twists, bleeds, or ruptures, it can cause complications. In severe cases, ovarian cyst removal surgery may be required to remove the cysts.

Causes of ovarian cysts

The causes of various types of ovarian cysts vary.

Follicular cyst – This cyst forms when an egg does not hatch. It continues to grow within the ovary.
Corpus luteum cyst – This type of cyst develops when the sac surrounding the egg fails to dissolve after the egg has been released.
Endometrioma – Endometrium is a cyst filled with old blood and tissue resembling the uterine lining. Because of the dark color of the fluid within them, they are commonly referred to as chocolate cysts. They can occur in women who have endometriosis.
Dermoid cysts – Dermoid cysts form from ovarian cells and eggs. They may contain hair, skin, teeth, bone, or fat. These cysts are common in women of reproductive age.

Other reasons:

  1. PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) is characterized by multiple cysts on the ovaries.
  2. Pregnancy
  3. Chlamydia (severe pelvic infection). This type of cyst is known as an abscess.
  4. Noncancerous tumors
  5. Cancer (rare)

Symptoms of ovarian cyst

  1. Sudden and sharp pain or pressure in lower belly
  2. Lower back or thigh discomfort
  3. Having difficulty completely emptying your bladder
  4. Weight gain due to sex pain
  5. Menstrual discomfort
  6. Breast sensitivity
  7. Abnormal vaginal bleeding

Ovarian cyst Treatment

With his diverse expertise, he assists in the apt diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cysts. He conducts detailed diagnostic tests to determine the type of cysts. He regularly monitors any growing benign tumor during the treatment procedure through regular ovarian cyst treatment follow-up sessions. He may recommend the removal of the cyst in case it is a large, cancerous, or symptomatic cyst.